Looking Good Naked is about losing fat, not only weight.
Yes, you can run, walk or swim by yourself, but at LGN, we will double your results in half the time with scientific, well researched techniques
it’s not about what you do, but HOW you do it. We give you the right exercises COMBINATIONS which promotes fat loss
02. Muscle Gain
To get those lines in your arms, chest or legs, you have to gain muscles
Creating maximum muscle damange and then feeding it the right nutrients
to rebuild bigger and stronger muscles
How we effectively cause the maximum amount of muscle breakdown and
then apply the minimum effective time to recover over and over again is the key to how we constantly keep our clients gaining lean muscles
03. Productivity And Nutritional Hacks
Stress, sleep, recovery have a huge impact on health and productivity
We also incorporate psycho-emotional coaching to maximise your potential at work and at the gym
With nutrition, there are millions of healthy meal plans online. The key is how to follow them without compromising your social life. We focus on sustainable lifestyle strategies to help you stick to a healthy diet
In the middle of your meal, put your utensils down and rest/ chat with your family for 5 mins.
You’ll see that you naturally eat less cause you would have given your stomach time to “feel full”
04. Soft Tissue Massage And Stretches
While constant weightlifting will keep the gains coming, we also have to keep you healthy and injury free
Specialised LGN trainers and yoga instructors to help you move pain-free
Preventative measures (pre-hab) has been proven time and time again to be more cost effective than rehab. This is a concept we strongly believe in